Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Happy Birthday!

The way we say waves break-
become visible at the instant
of their descent.

--mark doty

Let the world and the threat of descent,
never keep you from being visible.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

In the Distant Sky

Somewhere in the furthest reaches of space,
right where the cosmic darkness
fades into the interstellar night,
there lived a small star named enar.

Enar rolled around the universe
like a marble on a hardwood floor.
She rarely bumped into anyone
but wasn't lonely.

"I want to be seen by everything"
enar said to herself one day,
so she bundled her rays around herself
squeezed her eyes shut, and pushed her light into the air.

Within minutes little spheres appeared
and said, "We saw your solar flare!
We'd like to orbit you, if you don't mind."
Enar smiled and said she didn't care.

She asked, "Why me? I'm not so big.
My pull is not that strong"
They answered, "But you glow so warm,
and when you spin it makes a song"

So enar held her planets close,
emitting warmth and light.
She marveled at their steady growth
and stillness in the night.

And gravity would hold them there
ever, always falling.
The skies would spin the empty air
ever, always falling.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Why Yes

Why yes, these are baby pigs dressed as tigers sleeping on a sleeping tiger.

Thanks Matty